Thursday, May 20, 2010


Wow! i have been a busy bee here lately. i know you have to! so i took a second to share an idea for this time of year when everything is GO! GO! GO!!

When our lives are always stuck in in a car, event, family, BBQ, graduations, weddings, and so on, our bodies take a tole. When is the last time you had to fix or sit down to a good balanced meal? if you are like me it's hard to remember to grab drive through..hehehe.

So is there a middle ground? i think so. i have been making a lot of juice here of late. my wonderful mom has kept out an eye for juicers at garage sale and she nabbed me a Jack LaLanne brand new for $25. which is awesome. Most run about $100. but that is money well spent. If you don't have one i suggest you go and get one! you can make a juice that will give you almost 3 servings of your veggies that you can drink on the Go!. Now, i know what you are thinking. That is what V8 is for or the "naked" brand. Well let me tell you something. all of those brands are pasteurized and it does have some vitamins but really most are lost in pasteurizing. so, you are paying for overpriced juice. Plus, if you make it at home you can tamper with taste and you know what you are drinking.

So here is my recipe for green power juice. if you have never drank homemade juice it might be something totally strange and you might want to take it easy and use more carrots or apples at first to get used to the texture and taste.
Make this ahead of time on the weekend. portion this out for your week. use old water bottles to fill and stick in your freezer. Why the freezer? well you want to suspend the vitamins in there freshest form. if it sits to long in a fridge it will lose vitamins. so if you juice it, drink it fast!!
My Recipe:
3 lemons ( peel them but leave the plith(white part))
1 head of celery (just wash and cut off root, leave leaves.)
6 apples ( you can mix sweet and tart, i prefer tart)
ginger about 2 inches more if you like some bite
2 heads of romaine lettuce
1 heads of Kale ( this will give it a bitter wang but it is the greatest super food you can eat)
1 head broccoli
3 kiwi whole (do not peel. you want all the minerals just under the skin)
2 cucumbers
1 bunch parsley
2 bunches spinach.

taste. if it needs more sweet for you add more apple, pear, carrot, or green grapes. get crazy with the recipe. some like fennel, parsley (good to get you off of caffeine), cilantro, hot peppers, green bell pepper (highest vitamin C you can get), aloe juice, sweet potato, strawberries, papaya. the list goes on and on. i added about 3/4 a cup of aloe vera juice. you can find that at wal-mart or health food stores.

pour into bottles. set one in fridge and freeze the rest. At night take it out of the freezer and put in fridge.

There you go! a fast easy breakfast that is packed with all the things you need to keep you going. plus it's cheap. all the things on my list you can get for under $20 bucks/ divide by 7 days=$2.86. you can barely get a store coffee for that. so what do you have to lose.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Well, i have received an amazing gift this week. One of my friends grandmothers passed on and she received most of her estate. She was a crafter and had lot of supplies. My friend Terri knew i was a crafter and decided to give me the yarn and crochet thread b/c she didn't use it. I was to say the least surprised when i received 6-33 gallon bags of yarn. Thrilled and almost overwhelmed with such a gift i knew i had to put it to good use.

I have decided to try to start a yarn ministry around town. There are dozens of happy "hookers" who work within the town. I wanted to start to make good for local charity chapters.

Well this is more of an undertaking then first expected. Digging around town i found there is no town based organization. I like the people at the "Linus foundation" When i was in the hospital with Collin they gave him a blanket while he was there. I wanted to help in that way. The "Linus foundation" give blankets to preemie children, traumatized children, foster children, and children in stressful situations to give them a constant comfort. I didn't accept that blanket for i have made a lot of my own but the kindness of strangers trying to giving comfort the best way they could really stuck a cord. So i am going to talk to the local shelters and hospital tomorrow and see if they accept this kind of donation. After i establish what they accept and need then i will campus the city for helper and yarn donations.

Wish me luck and send prayers my way! Hopefully this will be the start of a very fulfilling chapter of my life and maybe even a lightning rod to those seeking fellowship with God.