It was one of my most favorite things to do as a child and I can't wait to pass it on to my children. There is something about sleeping in a tent, hearing the night sounds, and waking to a dew drenched campsite. I think alot of people now days have lost touch with nature. They are happier to be in a hotel and have everything withing walking distance. I love to leave all the world behind and just sit and absorb nature. I can't think of a better way to spend the sabbath then walking a nature trail and taking in the beauty all around. I don't know why most people don't do it as often as they used to. Plus, everyone now days has campers, 4 wheelers, and posh sitting areas......that is NOT camping. If you have never been...what is stopping you. Tent camping doesn't cost much and is very rewarding.
Here are some of my tried and true camping tips:
-buy a large plastic tub and fill it with things specific to camping. You can find cheap plastic kitchen goods and utensils at dollar store, salvation army, goodwill, and even garage sales. buy things to only be used and kept in your "Camping Tub"...Don't forget the can opener!!!! and since everything stays in the tub you won't forget things like hot pads or matches.
- you can find camping gear on sale or garage sales. you would be surprised how many people sell camping equipment. try craigslist.
-I use the mesh lingerie bag for my dishes. when you wash and rinse your plate, silver wear, and cup. Zip them up in a bag and hang on your clothes line. It works great. It saves room b/c you don't need a drainboard or extra towels. If you have a lot in your party you can write names on clothespins and keep every one's dishes separated. you don't have to dig for you supplies. time to eat you have everything right there.
-I divide the campground into sections. kitchen, tent, other. buy a smaller tubs that will fit into my big "Camping tub". put all things in designated totes and then store in larger tub. Makes it nice when you reach your campsite late and trying to set up in the dark. You don't have to pilfer through everything just to find the hammer and bungees.
-be creative! old sheets make good tableclothes and shade cloths, christmas light are fun to hang up if you have electricity at your site, old wire hangers make great hot dog roasters. just remember that it's suppost to be fun.
Camping is easy to do. you can go to camping web pages and find checklist of the things you need and will use. If you camp at a national park they have fire pits ready for you. If you can light a BBQ you can cook and camp. Try it! get out and get in touch with nature!