Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wheat, why do you hate me so?

Well chalk a couple more things I must do in my battle against Wheat. I have found out that products that have wheat/ or working with wheat give me trouble. So now i am on a hunt for products that don't have any wheat or gluten. That doesn't sound to bad. but, I have Celiacs which means i also have problems with oatmeal. How many lotions do you know have oatmeal?

I have recently found out that some toothpaste have wheat also. It is amazing how much stuff has wheat or wheat by product. Most people don't think of make-up, bath products, and lotions. Our skin is our largest organ and you have to treat it right.

So this is my solution I have a recipe for my own lotion. so I am going to give it a whirl.

The other things I need to do is get both boys Gluten free. Last year at Collin's school I put him on a Gluten free trial. At home he didn't seem that different so I took him off it. but, the teachers tell me that he has lost his focus at school and that I should go back to what I was doing. This won't be hard. It's just a lot of work for me. I now can have almost nothing prepackaged at home almost all fresh produce. It is healthier but its a lot of testing new recipes and prep cooking. Zach is going to suffer. He is odd man out so he has to eat what I fix (muah hahahaha) This is also another good step. I will have tried and true recipes the boys will eat that I can put into a cookbook.

Wish me luck. I will keep you posted.

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