Thursday, October 7, 2010's mudslinging time.

Politics....the word send chills down spines and makes people run the other way.
This year it seems the mudslinging has reached a pivotal high. In Missouri we have been bombarded by campaign adds for almost a year. So, I am looking forward to November 2ND when we can go to the poles and cast our votes.
Now I don't want you thinking I don't like politics. In actuality I LOVE politics. I have for quite some time now. I haven't really had a flavor for it until I hit my middle 20s. To me it's fascinating how people can sway on a subject. I love the inner workings of Washington and how things really get set in motion, not just the face of the clock (president) but the gears and levers that truly move it. I think it's funny how many things get blamed on a figure head. when it's the policies that get voted on my congress and the senate that really impact us. but, that being said the figure head should present himself as a man living and thriving in the economy that has been voted on for the whole of the public under his watch. I think that has always been the problem with the role. People are tired of being told one thing while they go off and do another. I think that falls for any political party. So that is my bipartisan view of the whole situation.
I want to clear the air just a bit though about the parties themselves. STOP LUMPING PEOPLE!!!! that goes for both sides. I am so tired of if you are Democratic that you are a pushover, baby killing, hippie, socialist living on a welfare check. And if you are a Republican that you are a gun slinging, backwoods, bible thumping, uninformed war monger.
I am a Republican. I have been for as long as I have understood politics. I don't vote straight ticket. I research everyone and do my everyone SHOULD :) I do listen to conservative radio, that is my right and choice. Everything that anyone says can be taken out of context no matter where your loyalties lie. I see so many political cartoons passed around that makes my party seem like inbred hillbillies. Like in all things you don't LOVE some of the people who your party represents. I don't like Rush Limbaugh or Sarah Palin, they have at least to me been a smear on the conservative party. If you even say "Tea Party" people think you are psycho. I myself feel that we should go back to basics. Take the bolt back to remnant. I have other thoughts on subject matters, but i will save your from my personal rantings. I just feel run down this year. People hear what party I support and try to run me down. I am sick of it
so let me say this:
I just don't like to be lumped in a categories. I work so hard to be an Eco warrior so when I look back I can say I did my part no matter how small. I do believe in the 2ND amendment. I try to be a christian...some days are better then others :). I do want green energy, but i know it will take YEARS and we need oil supply until it become cheap and available to everyone. I don't like universal health care, it sounds wonderful, but on paper not so good, ask your doctors what they think. All the doctors I spoke with don't want it and they will tell you why. I believe states have the rights to amend, that is the reason we had a civil war. Government was trying to control to much. I feel everyone should cut back and tighten the belt a bit. But, most of all we should be proud of those who fight and have fought for this blessed gift of freedom.
All these things make me a Person.

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