Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Gluten Free

GLUTEN FREE DIET!!!! these words strike fear in the heart of the person who loves bread or any kind of wheat product.

My Mom had these words told to her this week. She has just found out she has Celiac disease. If you have Celiac disease, Gluten destroys the lining of your small intestine. The body makes up for this by making bacteria to try to fight it. So instead of working on Good bacteria your body needs, it floods the system with the bad kind. This has a laundry list of things that happen to a body. If your diet it managed your body can regulate itself and stop depleting the body of calcium store, control weight, and have better immune health overall.

So I have decided to go Gluten free also. I want to help my Mom, she has it much rougher then me because she is also Diabetic. So, hopefully we can find great recipes that balance both of these factors.

Now the research! OMG so many things contain Gluten it is almost scary. Come to find out 80-90% off all American food includes wheat products. But, since Mom and I have gone to a lot of Organic cooking it helps b/c we know what is added to our food. There will have to be a lot of adjusting. Yeo women are a creative bunch so we will have ideas on how to sub things in no time. Already we have found some great products. Betty Crocker has a line of Gluten free products. That helps because i don't care who you are at some time or another you have a sweet tooth.

Here is to starting a new chapter. I myself don't know if i have this I just want to be a support for my Mom. It is hard when you eat different then everyone else. We know this to well....try keeping a Kosher diet in today's world. Been doing that for 30 years! Here's to a Kosher Gluten free Organic diet. We will miss our breads (for me especially rye). The health will outweigh the cost!

If you have any gluten free recipes or if you are interested just drop me a line.

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